
American Dance Therapy Association

New York State Chapter


  • Article I: Organization
    • Section 1: The organization shall be called the New York State Chapter of the American Dance Therapy Association.
    • Section 2: The New York State Chapter of the American Dance Therapy Association, Inc. (hereinafter referred to as the “Chapter” shall be a subordinate unit of the American Dance Therapy Association, Inc. (hereinafter referred to as the “Association”) subject to the general authority and jurisdiction of the Association.
    • Section 3: The principle office of the Chapter shall be located at the business office of the Association. However, the Chapter may establish and maintain such other offices within the area of the Chapter as the Chapter may require.
    • Section 4: The Chapter shall be governed by the By-laws, as amended from time to time, as provided herein. The By-laws shall not conflict with the Articles of Incorporation or the By-laws of the Association.
    • Section 5: The Chapter shall function in conformity with the Articles of Incorporation and the By-laws of the Association.
    • Section 6: The Chapter shall maintain ongoing communication with the national office of the Association. The Chapter shall consider carefully the appropriateness of planned activities and workshops. The Chapter shall identify any public stand it may take on controversial issues as the position of the Chapter only and not the Association or its membership.
  • Article II: Purpose
    • The purpose of the Chapter shall be to support and maintain high standards of professional competence among dance therapists by promoting the education and training of dance therapists. The Chapter shall also endeavor to provide avenues of communication and research among dance therapists and those persons working in related fields and to increase the general public’s awareness and acceptance of dance therapy.
  • Article III: Membership
    • Section 1: All Members of the Chapter must also be Members of the American Dance Therapy Association. A minimum requirement for the Chapter is eight Regular Members of the Association.
    • Section 2: Any Member of the American Dance Therapy Association may become a Member of the Chapter with full voting privileges of membership, by paying annually in advance the requisite Chapter Membership fee. The Chapter Membership fee shall be in addition to the annual dues for Membership in the Association.
  • Article IV: Government
    • Section 1: There shall be a minimum of one annual business meeting for all Members of the Chapter, for the purpose of electing officers, presenting Committee reports and transacting the regular business of the Chapter.
    • Section 2: Notice of all the annual meetings shall be given by mail to the Members at least ten days prior thereto, but never more than thirty five days thereto.
    • Section 3: A majority of the elected officers plus 20% of the Membership shall constitute a quorum for the annual business meeting.
    • Section 4: Special meetings of the Members may be called at any time by the officers or upon written request of six Members of the Chapter. The meetings must be called within forty days after such written request has been received by the Chairperson or other officers of the Chapter. The written request shall state the purpose of the meeting. Ten days notice, by mail, to all Members will be given of special meetings, and said notice shall state the purpose for which the special meeting is called.
    • Section 5: The Elected Officers shall initiate and transact all business necessary for administration of the Chapter, including the approval of the annual budget of the Chapter.
    • Section 6: The Chapter Membership shall vote all changes in the By-laws; elect officers, initiate such business as it deems desirable and exercise veto power over action taken by the Elected Officers by a 2/3 vote of Membership.
  • Article V: Election of Officers
    • Section 1: A Nomination Committee composed of two persons elected by Chapter Membership and one person appointed by Chapter Chairperson shall be formed not less than six months prior to the installation of new officers. The Chairperson of the committee shall be elected by the committee members.
    • Section 2: The Nominating Committee shall prepare a slate of officers to be presented to the general membership; accept additional nominations from the membership; prepare and mail ballots to voting members no less than one month prior to the deadline for the return of the ballot; count the ballots and notify candidates of results of election prior to reporting such results to the membership; and announce election results at the next meeting of the membership.
    • Section 3: No person shall hold more than one elective office at the same time, nor shall any person be a final slate candidate for more than one elective office during election meetings.
    • Section 4: Individuals nominated for office must be Regular members of the Association.
  • Article VI: Officers
    • Section 1: The elective officers of the Chapter shall be President, Vice President, Program Director, Treasurer, Secretary (Recording and Corresponding Secretary which may be shared by two members), Newsletter Editor, Public Relations Chair and Fundraising Coordinator. Additional positions may be instituted by a majority vote of the Chapter.
    • Section 2: The President shall preside at all meetings of the Chapter. S/he shall coordinate all business of the Chapter and be responsible for the agenda of the business meeting. S/he shall appoint Chairpersons of special committees and be ex-officio member of all committees. S/he shall coordinate work of all committees. S/he shall represent the Chapter at Regional and/or National meetings of the Association.
    • Section 3: The Vice President shall assume the above mentioned responsibilities of the President when the President is unavailable. S/he shall also perform delegated tasks from the President.
    • Section 4: The Program Director shall coordinate Chapter activities such as four annual workshops by arranging for scheduling, space for workshops, contacting presenters, securing their needs and thanking them for their services. S/he shall also design fliers to be sent out to Chapter membership regarding the workshops by typing the information and sending it to the Corresponding Secretary.
    • Section 5: The treasurer shall maintain the records pertaining to Chapter finances and submit reports to the National Treasurer every four months. S/he shall serve as a member of the National Budget Committee which is chaired by the National Treasurer. S/he shall perform all duties usually assigned to the office which shall include reimbursing Chapter members for debs incurred in relation to Chapter functions, i.e., workshops and conferences, communicating with Chapter President as to the Chapter fiscal status, maintaining a bank account and recording income and disbursements according to standardized bookkeeping procedure. (Checks are to be signed by the Treasurer and Chapter President if they are over $200.00) and collecting money at Chapter workshops and conferences.
    • Section 6: There shall be two Secretary Positions: Recording Secretary and Corresponding Secretary (which may be held by one or two persons). The Recording Secretary shall keep a record of the proceedings of Chapter and Board meetings and report minutes to the Chapter Newsletter Editor and President. The Corresponding Secretary shall oversee mailings regarding Chapter functions to the Membership. This involves xeroxing, affixing labels and stamps to fliers and making sure they reach the membership in a timely manner. Submit the following to the National Board at the end of each fiscal year: A current membership roster, a list of the officers and committee chairperson and a record of the past year’s activities.
    • Section 7: The Newsletter Editor shall coordinate, edit and present for publication (layout), all selected materials sent in by the membership. S/he shall arrange information and contents submitted, and add graphics and design as desired. Final draft shall be reviewed by President and/or Vice President for approval prior to printing. Mailing deadline shall also be the responsibility of the Editor, three times per annum in a timely manner to reach membership and with regards to the advertised events in said publication.
    • Section 8: The Public Relations Chairperson shall seek promotional resources in the community, establish and develop publicity contacts, use communications media to generate a widespread network. S/he shall distribute press releases for planned chapter activities.
    • Section 9: The Fundraising Coordinator shall be responsible for coordinating fundraising events, selecting committees for such events, determine budget and bring to the Board a proposed budget for vote, establish fundraising activities for the Chapter.
  • Article VII: Finance
    • Section 1: The Elected Officers shall decide the amount of money required to conduct the business of the Chapter for the following year and this shall be kept on file with the National office.
    • Section 2: The fiscal year shall extend from September 1 through August 1 inclusive. National and Chapter dues must be paid by the annual meeting of the Association, or membership rights are forfeited. If a member joins three months prior to the fiscal year, his/her dues shall be credited through the end of the following fiscal year.
    • Section 3: Chapter income shall be shared with the Association according to formulae approved by the Board of Directors.
    • Section 4: No part of the net earnings of the Chapter shall be used for the benefit of, or to the advantage of, any member, sponsor, donor, creator, trustee, officer, employee, or, without limitation, any other private individuals. No part of the net earnings shall be used for the benefit of any corporation or organization in which any individual might benefit, or in which a substantial part of the activities of such corporation or organization is the carrying on of propaganda or otherwise attempting to influence legislation, provided that this restriction shall not prevent payment of reasonable compensation for services actually rendered to or for the Chapter in effecting its purpose.
    • Section 5: A copy of the budget shall be on file with the Association.
  • Article VII: Rules of Order
    • Questions of procedure shall be decided according to Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised, unless otherwise provided in the By-laws.
  • Article IX: Amendments
    • These By-laws may be amended at any official meeting of the Chapter provided members have been sent the proposed changes in writing at least twenty-one days prior to the meeting at which action on the proposals will be taken, and further provided that a quorum as hereinbefore specified takes action. An affirmative vote equivalent to 2/3 of the votes cast as hereinbefore specified shall be required for amendment. All amendments must be in conformity with the Articles of Incorporation and the By-laws of the Association and the Chapter.
  • Article X: Dissolution
    • On the dissolution of the Chapter, the Elected Officers after paying or making provisions for the payments of all liabilities of the Chapter, shall dispose of all its assets exclusively to the American Dance Therapy Association which qualifies as an exempt organization under S501 (C) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1972, or, if the American Dance Therapy Association no longer so qualifies or is dissolved, to any other charitable, educational or scientific organization which qualifies as an exempt organization under S501 (C) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1972.

Revised by Chapter vote, September, 1998.